Consultation and Engagement

The Mary River Project has been the focus of extensive and continuous engagement, spanning more than 18 years. Baffinland has engaged with Baffin communities and other potentially affected groups including local Hamlet Councils, Inuit organizations, local businesses and the employees’ union, as well as territorial and federal regulatory authorities - both directly and through the regulatory processes established under the Nunavut Agreement.

The Steensby Railway will be located in a remote area of the Canadian Arctic, approximately 200 kilometers away, at its midpoint, from the nearest community. The Steensby Railway has been designed, evaluated, and refined by Baffinland over the course of more than 10 years, along with operational experience and 18 years of engagement, consultation and collaboration with local communities.


Baffinland has engaged on the Steensby Component and the future Southern Shipping Route with Nunavut Tunngavik Inc. and Qikiqtani Inuit Association and the Baffin communities of:

  • Arctic Bay
  • Clyde River
  • Igloolik
  • Pond Inlet
  • Sanirajak
  • Kinngait
  • Kimmirut
  • Baffinland has also engaged with Makivvik Corporation (representatives of the Nunavik Region, QC) in relation to the Steensby shipping route.

Infographic map displaying the locations of seven Nunavut communities engaged by Baffinland on the Steensby Component: Arctic Bay, Clyde River, Igloolik, Pond Inlet, Sanirajak, Kinngait, and Kimmirut. The map also highlights the Mary River Project and the Nunavik Region to the south, which Baffinland has consulted regarding the Steensby shipping route.


The Steensby Component has taken into account, to the greatest extent possible, all stakeholder views expressed to Baffinland. The adaptive mitigation measures that will be applied to the Steensby Railway have been developed with Inuit, the QIA, the communities, and federal and territorial authorities with jurisdiction over the Project. These measures are detailed, specific, and unique to the Baffin region. The below image provides a summary of Baffinland’s Stakeholders.

Infographic listing Baffinland stakeholders, including governments, NGOs, Inuit organizations, and Hamlet councils. These stakeholders, many with jurisdiction over the Project, play a key role in shaping the adaptive mitigation measures for the Steensby Component.

Stakeholder Engagement Report

Engagement with Communities

Engagement with Communities

Baffinland has engaged with communities regarding the Steensby Railway during three concentrated periods of focus.

2008 – 2012

The NIRB environmental assessment of the Mary River Project was undertaken between 2008 and 2012. This process included numerous public hearings and other engagement opportunities, where groups such as federal, territorial and local government representatives, Inuit Organizations, community representatives, Elders, Youth and members of the public, were able to share their perspectives about the potential positive and negative effects of the railway.

2018 – 2022

Baffinland engaged on the Phase 2 Proposal, which included the proposed addition of a northern railway. Although the Phase 2 Proposal was ultimately rejected by NIRB and the Minister of Northern Affairs, the public engagement that occurred during this period was extensive, and provided Baffinland with an opportunity to work with communities and other affected groups regarding the concept of a railway.

2023 – 2024

Baffinland directly engaged with local communities and stakeholders regarding the Steensby Railway, for the purposes of receiving further feedback for the section 98 Application, the Fisheries Act Authorization(s), and Navigation Protection Program approval.